drafted: Thu 21 July 2016
PENAMPANG. The hearing of another case at the Native
Court hear was postponed, Thursday due to the non appearance of the respondent
in a land dispute case who is refusing to sign the land subdivision offer from
the Lands and Survey Department.
The plaintiff and several relatives were present in court
when the name of Mashul bin N Tuguk of Kg Kibabaig was called three times by
court official but he failed to appear.
The bench led by District Chief Bryan Matasing informed
the relatives that a summon was delivered by a clerk on 13 July but the
respondent refused to sign receipt of the notice, instead was aggressive
showing that he purposely failed to appear.
The bench also said this hearing is conducted not to
punish anyone but to find a peaceful solution to their problems, which is why
people came to the native court in the first place. The refusal of Tuguk to
sign the summon itself is a contempt of court, however another notice for a
hearing will be issued.
The relatives were told to inform the respondent that if
he still refused to appear, the court has the power to issue a warrant of
arrest where he can be held in the lockup until the next available hearing
The hearing was then adjourned until another date can be
fixed by the court administration.
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