drafted: Wed, Sept 30, 2015
PENAMPANG. The Native Court here gave a 57 year old
self-employed man from Kg Timpangoh Babagon 7 more days to explain his non
appearance in court today after which a warrant of arrest will be issued for
contempt of court.
District Chief Bryan Matasing together with Native Chiefs
Andrew S Lidaun and Woritus Paulus made this decision when the man sent a
daughter to represent him in court instead.
The daughter informed that his father was not well and
may be facing an operation in hospital soon.
When asked, the daughter admitted she has no clue what
the case was all about.
However the court said that the man had been called a
total of 4 times before including summons to the judge’s chamber to try and
settle the case amicably and he had even signed acknowledgement of receipt of
the summons. The court also ordered the man through his daughter to submit
medical certificate or letter from the hospital doctor who is supposed to carry
out the operation on him to prove the reason for his non attendance in court
The court also said no other letter will be issued and it
would be the daughter’s responsibility to tell her father that if there is no
response by the 7th October, the warrant of arrest will be issued.
The case was brought up by the plaintiff from Kg Babagon
regarding a small value land deal which had gone sour because the land lot for
sale did not exist.
After the court was adjourned, Native Chief Lidaun said
there is no such thing that another person can appear on behalf of a defendant
in court. Even the former Menteri Besar of Selangor Khir Toyo and others
holding the titles of “Tun” appeared for themselves in court, he said.
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